01-16-2013, Deadpool's first meetup
A total of 8 of us met up at an empty parking lot for Deadpool's first meetup. From there, we rode out to Tybee and back to Hutchinson Island for more pictures.
For more pictures and information about this ride, follow the following forum links:
Here is the Ride forum
- Nic
- EvilRooster
- deadpool
- Dixie
- Dirty White Boy
- ObscureProton
- Ninjarider85
- Ride2Hard
01-13-2013, Savannah, Quick Jaunt and Play
A total of 12 of us met up at the local Sonic for a quick jaunt around Savannah, ending at Hutchinson Island for pictures.
For more pictures and information about this ride, follow the following forum links:
Here is the Photo/Video forum
Here is the Ride forum
- Nic
- SmokinJoe
- Phantom
- ducrider
- Dr Evil
- AlbertroB1
- pufy
- parajoe
- RKMcguinness
- ObscureProton
- Gixxer811
01-12-13, SSB @ FMX Superman Jam
Joe (pictured) and Nic setup an SSB booth at the Motocross/BMX stunt event in the Savannah Civic Center. We gave out business cards and spoke to fellow riders about joining our forum. We even made a few childrens' day by letting them get pictures while wearing Joe's helmet at our booth. Of course, none of this would be possible without the help of both Tom "Bo" Bougus of TBO Entertainment and Jennifer Daurity, our new Funding/Event Coordinator. So a major thanks and a big applause goes out to them and our members who were able to attend.
For more pictures and information about this ride, follow the following forum links:
Here is the Event forum
- Nic
- jo3k3r
- raptor41
- Ninjarider85
- 2wheeljess
01-12-13, SSB Garage Day and Ride
A total of 11 of us met up at Joe's (jo3k3r) house for a small get together and ride. Several people donated cookie dough for our troops overseas. In return, folks enjoyed pizza, beverages and camaraderie.
For more pictures and information about this ride, follow the following forum links:
Here is the Pictures forum
Here is the Ride forum
- Nic
- Justin
- Phantom
- RKMcguinness
- Phantom
- jo3k3r
- rxnroll
- SmokinJoe
- jrobert
12-09-2012, SSB Waycross Ride
A total of 14 of us met up at Hooters for a ride to Waycross, Laura Walker State Park. We had the opportunity to use our GoPros, one of which donated by Southeast Motorcycle, and play around on a few back roads. We also stopped for lunch at Gooey's Pizza in Jesup, where the pizza was nearly as good as the conversation.
For more pictures and information about this ride, follow the following forum links:
Here is the Pictures forum
- BigBlack14
- Phantom
- ObscureProton
- yellowr6
- Bebop101
- Dr Evil
- 8089SST
- jrobert
- raptor41
- RKMcguinness
12-02-2012, SSB Bulloch County Ride
A total of 17 of us met up at Hooters for a ride through Bulloch county. This was our first test of the use of several GoPros, one of which donated by our sponsor, Southeast Motorcycle, and we greatly appreciate that! Now, we have no excuse for getting awesome videos and pictures from all of our rides.
For more pictures and information about this ride, follow the following forum links:
Here is the Pictures forum
- BigBlack14
- Phantom
- ObscureProton
- Bebop101
- Dr Evil
- 8089SST
- SmokinJoe
- NDspd
- yellowr6
- mattdamobster
- SvRider650
11-17-2012, Southeast Motorcycle Car/Bike Show & SSB Ride
A total of 25 of us met up at Southeast Motorcycle, in Garden City, for a great Car and Bike Show to end the riding season. The turnout was a little less than expected, but the meteorologists were calling for 30% chance of rain (that never came). SSB sends out a huge thanks to all who showed up and to Southeast Motorcycle for providing food, drinks and prizes!
For more pictures and information about this ride, follow the following forum links:
Here is the Ride forum
- BigBlack14
- Phantom
- Ninjarider85
- Lady-GSXR11 (and whole family)
- Lauren7636
- IrishAssassin
- hitman1985
- kiLLa_dRo[CBR600RR]
- Bebop101
- SmokinJoe
- hondo79
- Motarded912
- EErick85
- blueCRXnc
- Dr Evil
- AmandaGearSolid
- ducrider
- SvRider650
10-28-2012, Brunswick Ride and Meet/Greet
A total of 12 of us met up at the local Sonic for a great riding day; after all, the weather was perfect! We rode to St. Simons Island to Southern Soul BBQ, and had awesome BBQ - granted the side dishes could use some improvement. Then, we journeyed under the Sidney Lanier Bridge for an impromptu photo shoot.
For more pictures and information about this ride, follow the following forum links:
Here is the Photo/Video forum
Here is the Ride forum
- BigBlack14
- Phantom
- pswamp605
- Ussabac1
- will-r6
- IrishAssassin
- 8089SST
- kiLLa_dRo[CBR600RR]
- Bebop101
10-18-2012, B&D's Final Bike Night
Another near perfect evening brought nearly 45 sport bikers to B&D Burgers for their final Harley-sponsored Bike Night. It was nice to see a great turnout to the final HD-Sponsored Bike Night. Though this was the final HD-Sponsored Bike Night, it is not the final SSB Bike Night at all. We look forward to continuing riding with everyone and meeting new riders. SSB would also like to recognize a few members of On The Move Riderz Inc. (OTM) for coming out and riding with us.
- BigBlack14
- AlbertoB1
- G1i0XX0e0R
- redbullgeorunner
- mattdamobster
- Ninjarider85
- Lady-GSXR11
- Phantom
- NDspd
- ShawnCBR
- PompeoD
- Hardin VTX1800F
- monty_Quest
- pswamp605
- JFCuervo
- Ussabac1
- will-r6
- Purfy
- d-_-b trntbl
- bigflash1
- yellowR6
10-13-2012, SSB @ Keller's
A total of 12 of us met at Keller's Flea Market today for an SSB fund raising event. Several members donated items to sell to help pay for SSB's upcoming expenses. SSB sends out much appreciation for all who helped work this event and to those who donated. We also recognize those who came out to check us out. It was a long day, but we earned a total $200 profit - so it was a success.
- BigBlack14
- AlbertoB1
- Ninjarider85
- Lady-GSXR11 (w/ husband, Tim)
- Redbullgeorunner
- mattdamobster
- Phantom
- EErick85
- jo3k3r
- ducrider (w/ son, Matthew)
To view more of our past events, click here to go to the archives.
This Week:
Check our forum for this week's happenings: Click here now
As you can see, we do our best to host rides and/or events throughout the Greater Savannah area. However, we feel that we could do much more within our riding and online communities with public contributions. We know that times can be tough and many folks struggle to find spare change. Nevertheless, we also realize that we cannot function without support for the things we do. If you would like to donate anonymously, feel free to do so, or else proper credit is given below:
Nic, Co-founder
Justin, Co-founder
AlbertoB1, VIP
Phantom, VIP
Ninjarider85, VIP
mattdamobster, VIP
Lady-GSXR11, VIP
Redbullgeorunner, VIP